2. In the supporting video for this week about lea
Module 2 Product demand
Q Consider the following for our in-class discussion:
• State the article or event you selected.
• Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
• Describe your findings.
• Analyze the relevance to real-life applications
It was reported on 5th August 2021 that “Beyond Meat sales jump on restaurant demand” (Foxbusiness, 2021). Beyond Meat is a plant-based meat baker. It was reported that on Thursday its revenue increased by 32% as restaurant demand come back to its normal. In April – June period the U.S. foodservice sales tripled. It was also reported that demand fell by 14% due to the pandemic in 2020. The uncertainty due to the pandemic causes a drop in demand. The report also stated that “International revenue more than doubled to $48 million